Be Still

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act"

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Obviously it's been awhile since I've updated, that's because there has been nothing new to report.
My GYN told me there was nothing else he could do for me (after 3 rounds of clomid) so that was heartbreaking to hear, bit there was a silver lining.

I went yesterday and met our new RE, Dr. Lias Hasty at the Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine.

After several questions, a trans vaginal ultrasound, 6 tubes of blood, and an appointment for a semen analysis, we have a game plan.

The US showed 2 cysts on my left ovary, so unfortunately we have to wait until January to get started, but if Whit's numbers do not look promising, we could be doing our first round of IUI by the middle of next month.