Be Still

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

TTC and Vaginismus

Some people will already know this, others won't.

I have a condition known as vaginismus.

What is vaginismus? Well, I'm glad you asked! It's basically a condition that makes intercourse extremely painful if not impossible! You can read about it HERE for a more in depth understanding, but for the sake of explaining it in relation to TTC, that's basically all you need to know: a condition that makes intercourse very hard to achieve.

So how does one try to have a baby when intercourse isn't an option?

I'll just leave that picture there and say "yes, it's exactly what you're thinking."

It's not ideal by any means, but it is where we're at right now.  Despite physical therapy, we just can't have intercourse as often as required to give us a good sporting chance during my fertile window.

Lock and Load.

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